Say “Yea” to Open Shelving in the Kitchen.


Open shelving in the kitchen is a nice alternative to upper cabinets when you’re able to use lower cabinets or even a pantry to store the everyday dishes & coffee mugs. Every time you say “goodbye” to an upper cabinet, you’re saying “hello” to the feeling of more space, natural sunlight, & allowing the kitchen to flow into the rest of the house with ease & balance.


Kitchens are the hub of the house, where the morning coffee is brewed, kids do their homework & the cocktails are poured. By introducing open shelving you’re treating the kitchen with the personal touches of a lived in space.

If you’re a family that has invested in dishes that reflect your personality such as vintage bowls found at the fall flea market or coffee mugs from the local pottery shop at the cottage, open shelving is the best spot to show off your finds.  

Displaying dishes, framed art, favourite cookbooks is allowing the space to embrace the memories of those fun filled days spent with friends and family. It’s one of those warm fuzzy feelings that turns your house into a home.


Side note: when the everyday plates & glasses are in the drawers, then the kiddos have no excuse for not helping out around the kitchen! Parent Win!!

And for the peeps concerned about storage, let’s take a moment and think about that corner cabinet we ALL have had at one point and what is actually in there and how often we actually use it.  For me it was a tea set complete with a teapot that my mother gave me because she couldn’t bare to throw it out.  Well let me tell you after this tea set sat in my upper corner cabinet for 5 years I realized I actually could bare to live without it. But, decluttering is another blog post altogether, lol!!

See you next time!


CCD Studio